Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So we started talking about antibiotics and stis.

My sister, being either very carefully and very bored, watching

, I connected, and said that. She said that I had to write a post about it. So there. Many people tell their documents do not drink when on antibiotics Theyre on STIs. QI tells us that the reason for this is not medical, and behavioral: if you on antibiotics for STI, you really oughta be unprotected sex, drink and maybe does not help that. Thus, the documents say, do not drink with this antibiotic. Except sometimes. Let me tell you a story that illustrates strattera online the type of relationship I have with my medical staff, as well as strengthening memorable idea not to drink antibiotics. Several years ago I was in the paper to get antibiotics for UTI. I had DOOZY infection, so I was pretty serious pain while I was waiting for test results to confirm the diagnosis. I do not want to talk to cheat documents, but feature I try to be friendly and staff I am talking about the vagina for life, which is quite rare and attractive thing for a doctor. He often visits to my doctor to take at least twice as much as planned, as the supplier gets in a conversation with me about birth control, sexual dysfunction, or STIs. So we started talking about antibiotics and STIs. That's what she told me, and I sat there blinking in pain and with a deep, cleansing breath:

DOC: Yes, if you get kind of antibiotics that say Do not drink alcohol with this, consider that fact seriously. Antibiotic for STDs? DONT drink something with them. Me: Yes? How so? What is happening? DOC: You will tear to your toes. Colorful phrases that I bring it to you to help you remember not to drink with antibiotics if the label says not to. I suffered about 10 extra minutes of UTI pain that anecdote. You bet your bippy I want most of them. .

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